Now Gonzales.

Let me make this abundantly clear. I stand by each part of that metaphor. I think these men are rats, and I think this administration is a sinking ship.
Our founding fathers displayed an amazing amount of foresight when designing this government, but if there's one thing that this administration has taught me, it's that the Founding Fathers never really believed a man would be elected president who either didn't care about American well-being, or could even possibly work against it for financial or political gain.
Well, fast-forward 231 years and you'll see, we were duped. We bought the innocent looking Texan with the cute speech impediment, and got the spoiled, corrupt, oilman sans one conscience.
And at first, the system didn't right itself. There is no check or
balance strong enough to right all of George Walker Bush's
wrongs, but that doesn't mean he will get away scott-free.
No, in fact, everyone is beginning to see just how deep this goes.
Just how far we're going to have to climb to make amends. We've spent
the past 8 years burrowing into Iraq, training ourselves to cower in
fear of anything relating to "evildoers", and campaigning for the
"biggest asshole of a country" award at the United Nations.
So let's whip out our pocket consitutions, warm up the guilt guns and
go find Gonzales, right?
The Bush Administration is tricking us again! They WANT us to hunt Gonzales down with a political pitchfork and exact democratic (party) justice on him, but we've got bigger fish to fry.
George Bush is stalling, he's distracting us, because he knows that when '08 comes, and we start to realize that electing a better President won't mean making everything better immediately, we're gonna want some sort of accountability.
In his perfect world, he'll be locking up the White House with Cheney in January of 2009, and then go on to be a rich oil-man / ex-president.
But if we catch him now, while there's still time, we can start turning this country around. We can start righting all the wrongs this administration has committed.
But it requires PASSION. It requires COJONES. We need to take risks and make decisions. Democrats believe in following the rules and thinking everything out, which is fine, except when they're pitted against the Republicans. Which is always.
SO COME ON! TAKE ACTION! Because, in my humble opinion, I think we're going to regret it if we don't.
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