School has started.
I'm sitting at my desk, I've just finished reading the first chapter of my Physics textbook. It's the standard "gee, what IS scientific notation??" chapter that precedes all science textbooks.
I read one quotation that I've come back to about 3 times now, and would like to share with everyone here.
That quotation, paired with a video I saw today, have really begun to get me thinking...
Thinking about us, thinking about our future.
This is a politics blog, for sure, but some may argue that that the post I'm writing now has nothing to do with politics.
I think they're dead wrong.
Everyday politicians across the world wheel and deal, trade, undermine, force, and coax political ideologies. They traffic human desires and necessities. We call it politics. But I'm talking about the big one. I'm talking about humanity's greatest necessity. It's necessity to survive.
It's easy to get wrapped up in intellectual quandaries and minute details, but we have problems on a bigger scale to worry about. A universal scale.
In 9th grade, a teacher asked the class what the dilemma of purchasing land was. I raised my hand, got called on, and responded as he wanted. I said "that eventually land will run out" and he agreed. But then I interrupted him and said, "unless we colonize space," which got a chuckle from him and the class.
I WAS BEING SERIOUS! This is our problem! We're too disillusioned, we're too caught up in the easy stuff! The stuff we can "fix" with a few bullets or some aid money is what we concentrate on! We're ignoring the issues that are hard, the ones we don't know all the answers to!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we're running out of time.
The growing fear of radical climate change is the ticking time bomb, and space exploration is the solution. We've outgrown our cradle. We're itching to get out. We need to before we're too weak to break the shell. We've got brilliant minds and strong hearts eager to get out there and spread humanity across the universe. We have the resources to begin doing it. We have the technology to make it happen. We're just too damn caught up in the minute details.
Support NASA. Support the EPA. We need to start thinking about the survival of the human race, before it's too late.