Read this, then come back. (
Okay. Lets discuss for a moment.
As a representative for my generation, I feel some need to voice a few concerns I'm harboring right about now.
FIRST of all, what on earth do you think you are doing? Does this lead anywhere good? Does anyone think crippling Iran will leave us any stronger? Have we, as a country, decided we should engage in pre-emptive strikes? Are YOU morally, politically, and intellectually comfortable with this? Regardless of the sorts of skeletons they'll leave in our closets, does anyone understand that bombing the shit out of people just makes them angry? It doesn't work, and it leaves us HATED. THINK about this for a moment, PLEASE.
IRAN is a country, with people, and culture, and sovereignty. We have no more right to bomb them than the Spanish had a right to keep Cuba in 1898.
And what'd we do to the Spanish in that splendid little war of ours? WE KICKED THEIR IMPERIALISTIC ASSES!
We're taking a position we can't forfeit, ladies and gentlemen. We're declaring ourselves the absolute deciders of right and wrong. We're ignoring international laws and organizations. We're breaking a lot of precedents that we're going to wish we had kept.
There's only one country in the world that has ever used nuclear weapons on a hostile nation. That's us. We're the true terrorists here. We've murdered millions of innocent people and used indiscriminate force. Yet here we stand, missiles locked, guns loaded, ready to wipe out a nation's entire arsenal for threatening to create just one nuclear bomb.
Nuclear proliferation is inevitable. Technology is upgraded, techniques are modified. Nuclear weapons are going to become easier to make, not harder, so we need to take a step back and really, really, think about this.
Is the way to protect ourselves from nuclear weapons by killing and destroying? Not in any logical world. We need to be working on an international level to either tag or destroy as many nuclear weapons as possible. WITH the permission of the country in possession of the weapons.
IF an international entity that Iranians and other nations were comfortable with could come forward and secure every nuclear missile in the world, wouldn't that be safer for everyone? OR is it just going to be every man for himself? Are we going to assume for the rest of time that our brethren are not to be trusted?
There's bigger things going on! We're being those losers who sit around the Burger King and skateboard all day when we could be going to M.I.T. or getting a real job! We're wasting our few precious moments on this earth bickering over borders and resources when we could be realizing the vast potential of human community. We could be exploring outer space and discovering how this universe came to be, we could be improving nano-technology and saving the ill! We could be stopping global warming in it's tracks!
Instead, we're planning a 3 day campaign to utterly destroy a nation's attempt to defend itself in this scary, scary world.
Adults: look to history, look to your children. Ask yourself if this is really a good idea. Question the actual threat posed by Iran. Consider the threat posed by this administration. Contemplate where the world is going to be in 10, 15, 20, or 100 years.
Ask yourself how this is going to end.
And act on your convictions.
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