I read an article by him and connected on a very deep level with him.
I'd heard the name and all, but it didn't strike a "Democrat" or "Republican" chord with me. But, see, this is what's nice about my generation, all I had to do was type his name into Google, and within a second I had his entire life story. Every single controversial statement, every viewpoint, every circumstance, was sitting in front of me in the form of a wikipedia article.
So I read it. Pro life, pro war in Iraq, anti gun control.
Did I really agree with this guy? He seems awful creepy.
Well, before I pass judgement, let me show you the article.
It's called "The $53 trillion asteroid" LINK: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/26/beck.deficit/index.html
I'll admit, it doesn't touch on anything other than the economy, and I'm no economic scholar, but it says some important things.
It suggests that in just a few years our economy is going to fall apart. That scared me. It used an asteroid analogy, which as an 18 year old, really got to me.
So this guy, Glenn, and I obviously disagree on a lot of things, but we agree that a couple things in our economy don't add up, and someone's going to have to pay for that.
...Ahem, right guys?
So, rarely do I say this, but maybe, in this particular isolated case, it's time we remember that there are other issues, issues that don't involve military quagmires or sex scandals. And maybe we should listen to what this conservative has to say.
That actually makes me pretty happy, though. To know that there are still things that Republicans and Democrats can agree on. That there are still issues to tackle together, as a country, as Americans. Keeping in mind of course, that as I say that, I stare down an asterioid coming directly towards me.
We wouldn't be Americans if we didn't tackle the hard stuff. But we won't be Americans if we value ourselves above the other half of the country. The Democrat-Republican relationship is a symbiotic one. And that's something we need to remember even when this hellish war reaches it's apex. Because eventually, in a best case scenario, one day this country will return to "normal", and when that happens, the dust will settle, and we'll have to remember what "American" really is.
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